Tuesday, July 31, 2012

FREE Nursing Cover!

If you're a breastfeeding Mama, will soon be a Breastfeeding Mama or know of a Breastfeeding or Soon-to-be Breastfeeding Mama you should check this out! If you plan on using a nursing cover I highly recommend Udder Covers! They've got a stiff neck so you can see down to baby while feeding. There's a neck strap that keeps the cover in place. The fabric is wide enough to keep everything covered. Plus, they come in gorgeous fabrics!

Right now, for World Breastfeeding Week, Udder Covers is offering FREE nursing covers!!! All you pay is Shipping! Simply Enter the Code: BREASTFEEDING2012 at the check out and you'll get your nursing cover(s) free!!!

It really is a great deal! I own three of their covers and love them! They have kits that include a cover, breast pads and bracelets that will be discounted with the above code also!

View their supply of nursing covers HERE

Please know that I am not saying women must "cover up" while feeding their babies. I personally am choosy about when I use a cover and when I don't. I'm simply offering the coupon for anyone who would use it!

*This is a personal opinion and I was not asked nor paid to endorse this product

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