Monday, September 3, 2012

35 weeks!

Today marks 35 weeks into this pregnancy! I'm so thankful that Baby girl has been moving like crazy again! I'm thrilled with each kick, jab and squirm to reassure us she's doing well! I'm definitely feeling the space crunch and really don't know how I'll stretch for another 5 weeks! I'm beyond exhausted and have been needing naps daily, which thankfully I've been able to get in! Keeping up on household chores is becoming more difficult but I'm convinced that's why God gave us the "nesting instinct" so things still get done! My blood pressure is beginning to rise so we're praying for a healthy ending to this pregnancy!

We had family photo's taken and while the kids weren't totally cooperative, the photographer did an excellent job getting some cute action shots! I really like how they turned out considering my kids just wanted to run around and play in the water fountain. All in all, it was a great evening! Here's a sneak peek!

This last one was taken by me just showing what they would rather be doing!

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