Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Make it Work with Newspaper

Today's Make it Work is with Newspaper! We read it for the stories, weather or coupons but did you know that there are plenty of other ways to re-use your newspapers? You can also use Newspapers to:

Wrap valuables in newspaper to prevent them from breaking during shipping.

Make collages, paper mache, etc out of newspapers.

*Weed Barrier
Put newspapers down under mulch in your garden to prevent weeds from growing.

*Fire Starters
Roll up a piece of newspaper to use as a fire starter.

Shred newspaper to use in gift bags!

Put a roll of newspapers inside boots to keep them upright!

*Window Washer
Use newspaper and your window washing spray to get clean windows vs using a roll of paper towels!

Your turn! What are your Double Duty tips for Newspapers?!?

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