Here are 10 easy and realistic ways for you to work exercise into your daily routine! If I can do these while raising my four kids, four years old and under, so can you!
1) Squat to Play
While playing with your children squat down to their level instead of sitting. Squat while building lego towers, train tracks, coloring, playing with dolls, etc.
2) Repeat
Every time you get your child(ren) a drink, change their diapers, hug them, something you do often throughout the day, assign an exercise to do after that activity. Example: every time I get my child(ren) a drink I do 10 jumping jacks. Every time I change a diaper I do 5 push-up's. You decide which exercises to do and when…just work them in often throughout the day.
3) Don't fast forward commercials
If you have a DVR or other device that allows you to fast forward through commercials don't use it! Instead, use those 3-5 minutes to get in some exercising! Sit-up's, yoga stretches, etc are quick and effective!
4) Involve the kids
Get your kids involved in the exercises too! Make it a contest to see who can do the most sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, etc in a set amount of time. Anything fun is always easier to keep up!
5) Move faster
Any chores you do on a daily basis can be considered as exercise, just do them faster! Scrub the floors, wash windows, make beds, etc at a speedy enough pace to get your heart pumping faster!
6) Wall Sits
Wall sits are a great exercise since they involve over half the muscles in your body! You can easily incorporate wall sits into your day while folding laundry, cooking dinner, or even brushing your teeth.
7) Chase the kids
Most children love running around with their Parents and it's a great cardio workout for you! Simply chase your kids around, easiest if done outside!
8) Stair-master
If you have stairs in your house you can take them two at a time or make multiple trips. Bring laundry up/down one piece at a time, etc.
9) Park away
Parking further away from the entrance to stores is a great way to get in some extra exercise, especially if you'll be carrying any kiddos in your arms!
10) Use nap times
I throw in a short workout DVD during my younger kiddos nap time and get my workouts in then. I also hit up the gym after my kiddos are in bed and my Husband 'listens' for them!
Use whichever of these will work for you! Being fit and healthy is something you need to do for yourself so you'll be better able to raise your children!
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