Monday, August 20, 2012

Last Resort or First Call for Help?!?

I tend to be very DIY in every area of my life. Being raised by a single Mom, I learned from a young age to be very independent. We didn't need help, mainly because it didn't exist. We learned a lot about how to do anything we wanted done. We fixed things around the house, traveled in our RV, etc. Not having help from a Husband/Father never stopped us!

Unfortunately, that independence has transferred into every area of my adult life as well. I'm learning, ever so slowly, that I can't do it all. I can't be SuperMom/Wife or even a decent Mom/Wife if I don't look to my creator first.

My Husband refuses to teach me how to use any power tools. At first I was offended because I thought he was hoarding that knowledge. Then I realized he wants to be able to do something for me that I'm unable to do myself. My Husband wants to feel needed in my life and wants me to rely upon him.
I think God feels the same way. I often picture Him saying, "If only you would rely on ME, this wouldn't be so difficult"!

I've always gone to God when things are BAD! I seek Him as a last resort vs calling on Him for my first defense. I figure - if I can fix it, on my own, I will. Problem is, it says very clearly in the Word that I've got it backwards!

In Matthew 6:33 it says 'But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.'

So instead of looking to myself for whatever it is I may need, I should be seeking God! Only God can give me the grace, patience and wisdom I need to Parent my Children. Only God can give me the heart of understanding and submission I need to be a Good Wife to my Husband. Only God can provide all my needs and He can only fulfill them if I'm seeking Him FIRST!!!

What are some ways you seek God before trying to figure out life on your own?!?

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