Cobi has become a grasshopper hunting fiend. All he talks about when we're in the house is catching grasshoppers. When we are outside he doesn't take his eyes off the grass for more than 30 seconds. Finding & catching grasshoppers has become his all-consuming desire. He even enlists help from his Daddy, Brother & Sister. He wakes up thinking of and talking about grasshoppers and goes to bed asking about catching more tomorrow. I'm sure he probably dreams of catching those "great jumpers", as he calls them!
The cry of my heart is that I would have this all-consuming passion to seek God. I feel myself becoming more complacent and luke-warm in my walk with God. It takes time, energy & dedication to be great at anything. The same goes for my relationship with my Redeemer. I have to set aside time to seek His face. Forsaking everything else to be in his presence.
Just like my Jacobi doesn't swing, chase ball, or play in the sandbox so he can devote all of his attention on the grasshopper, so must I put aside earthly things, like tv, reading or even sleeping- in order to protect my relationship with my God!
So my challenge to myself, and you if you choose to accept, is to put off one earthly thing today and spend QUALITY time with our Maker! It's not about the quantity of time spent seeking His Face, it's simply about making whatever time you've got quality time! Put away the distractions, stressors and to-do lists of life and focus soley on God!
He loves you and yearns to spend time with you!!!
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