Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy or Holy?

Lately I've heard a lot of people mentioning Holy vs Happy. God doesn't necessarily care that we're always happy but he does want us to be continually Holy. So I've been thinking, what exactly does it mean to be Holy?

According to Holy means: dedicated or devoted to the service of God, the church, or religion: a holy man.

So God wants me to be devoted to His service and His church. Right now, in my current season of life, my family is my main Church. While doing laundry, dishes, and changing diapers may not always make me happy, it's a service to Gods children and that makes me Holy!

Nowhere in the definition does it say perfect, it simply says devoted! In serving my family I am being made Holy through service to His church.

It all comes back to not always doing what feels good or makes me happy but doing what God has called me to do! Who knew all the chores, midnight wakings and corrections were being used to make me Holy?!?

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