Thursday, September 27, 2012

The end is near!

On Tuesday I had my 38 week check up.  I've lost 1 pound, which isn't a lot but after gaining as much as I have with each pregnancy - it feels nice to not go up anymore! Baby sounded good and is still very active, to the point of causing pain!

Unfortunately, my blood pressure was up again this week.  My OB sent me to L&D for monitoring and to check labs to rule out pre-eclampsia. The labs came back normal but my blood pressure was around 148/102.....far too high.  So, for the health of myself and little lady we will be inducing labor on Monday.  I'm praying labor will start on its own before then.  If it doesn't I'm hopeful that simply breaking my water will cause active labor. 

At my last appointment I was dilated to 3 cm and about 50% effaced.  4 cm is considered active labor so we don't have far to go.  I would definitely appreciate any prayers for a fast, safe & healthy labor and delivery.  Especially for no hemorrhage. 

So now it's a waiting game! I'm so anxious to meet this little lady and see what she looks like and what her personality is! I'm insanely excited to breastfeed her and develop another bond with a precious gift from God!

*I wonder who she will look most like! Cobi is top left. Micah is top right. Shaelyn is bottom left.

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