Friday, September 28, 2012

Really Frustrated

Last night I had an acupressure/acupuncture treatment done.  I ended up having contractions every 4 minutes for over an hour and headed into L&D.  I arrived around 6:00pm and was dilated to 3cm.  I was monitored until 6:30pm and then able to walk until 7:30pm.  At the 7:30pm check I was 4 cm.  At this point I was put back on the monitors and my blood pressure taken.  Unfortunately, my pressures were up again at 158/102.  An IV was started because I was feeling very nauseous, wanted something to settle my stomach, and with my hemmorage risk needed an IV for precautionary reasons.  Following the 3 IV attempts I then got into the tub.  At this point labor pretty much fizzled out.  I was checked again around 10:30pm and was now 5 cm but not contracting well.  So we headed home. 

I'm really trying to trust my body and my baby but all I feel like doing is crying.  I'm so frustrated that I'm already dilated half way but am not actively contracting.  I so badly want to meet this little lady and no longer be pregnant.  I want my body and hormones back.  I want to be pain-free again.  

I have an appointment with my OB today.  Monday brings a medically induced labor.  I'm upset, disappointed, frustrated, tired and overwhelmed.  I guess we'll just wait and see what happens between now and Monday.  

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