Monday, October 8, 2012

1 week old!

Today marks Adalee turning 1 week old! She had an appointment with her pediatrician for a weight check and to make sure she's doing well after a week here on land! She left the hospital weighing 8lbs 4oz which was down a little from her birth weight of 8lbs 9oz. Today she weighed 8lbs 13oz! So she's gained back what she lost AND then some! Breast milk is the best milk! She really is a great nurser! She's still 21.5" long so she hasn't grown in length but that's pretty normal, especially since she's so tall anyway! She's 98% for height and 86% for weight.

Her Pediatrician was very pleased with everything! Adalee is growing well and everything looks good! She also lost her umbilical stump today while in the clinic.

The only negative is that the mispronunciation of her name has already started. Today she was called back as Adele, yes…like the singer. Oh well, I have what I think is an easy name and I was always called the wrong name growing up…she'll get used to it!

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