Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I have been so spoiled with my Husband being home with us! He is able to take off 6 weeks from work and I'm loving it! I really am so thankful he's home right now!

To top it off, we have been insanely blessed with meals! We've received so much delicious food from women from our current and last Church that our fridge can't hold anymore! We've never before, with our other Babies, been given so many wonderful meals!

God knows we need support in that way and my amazing friends are so generous! I'm so appreciative for their homemade meals and I feel a thank you card is never enough. So in addition to the written thank you's I pray God blesses you 100 fold!!!

*Don't ever think something as 'easy' as making a meal is not a blessing - I'm here to tell you it can be a real life saver!

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