Thursday, October 11, 2012

Really Stuck

Cobi has been doing fantastically well at going pee on the toilet. He takes himself when he needs to go and hasn't had any accidents!!!!! I'm so stinkin' proud of him! I knew he could do it!

The downside is that he has yet to poop on the toilet. He's pooped on the floor and in his pants but never on the toilet. I'm not sure how to handle this. So far I've tried to be patient and understanding but he's just not grasping the idea. I'm stuck!

So what tips or tricks do you have for getting a potty trainer to poop in the toilet?

*We've stopped giving rewards, aside from high fives and verbal praise, for pee and told him he only gets a treat if he poops. We have reminded him, had him sit on the pot for extended periods of time, etc and to no avail. So please HELP!!! How do I get this child to poop in the pot?!?

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