Friday, October 12, 2012

Reminded again….

Last night while laying in bed, desperately trying to get my 11-day old back to sleep, I began to cry out of frustration. I cried out to God asking why I had ANOTHER Baby who doesn't burp well or sleep well. And that still, small voice spoke 5 words that rattled my core: "At least you have her".

I've had two miscarriages and I know the pain that comes with loss. I know the ache felt whenever a new Mom would complain about being sleep deprived when all I longed for was the chance to hold my Babies in my arms. I've seen too many women lose their Babies to miscarriage, stillbirth and even SIDS. I must remember how much of a blessing it is to have this sweet Daughter of God.

While it may not always be perfect or peaceful with these children, it is none-the-less a miracle! I praise God for a quiver full and know that he's my source of strength. So I'm reminded once again to seek Him and be thankful for these Babies!

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