Today is day 1 of my "Reading through the Bible in 90 days" Challenge! I couldn't be more excited about getting to read God's Word and seeing what He has in store for me! I hope this will spur you on to read more of His Word also!
Today we read through Genesis Chapters 1-16. I've always skimmed through the Old Testament, thinking there was nothing applicable to my life as it is today. I know the description of how the World came to be. I know the story of Cain and Able; of Noah and his ark. I know what happens to Abram and Lot. I just didn't ever realize how much it really does apply to my life today!
As I was praying about what I had read in Genesis 1-16 the Lord revealed to me that these chapters do apply to me because He is the same God now that he was then! Did you hear me? The same God that created everything under the Heavens, that gave Adam life and created Eve from man's rib, is the same God I serve today! He is the same God now, in my circumstances, that he was when he told Noah to build an ark and saved him from the devestating flood!
So what does that mean for us in this modern day society, where medicine and technology have advanced further than ever thought possible? What does that mean in terms of our health, our finances, our souls?
Simply put: God is STILL in control! The same God that created the Heavens is still preforming miracles today! The same God that created man, out of His very image, is still healing those who are sick. The same God that confused the tongues of so many men at the tower of Babel is STILL working on our behalf!
I feel like I don't give God as much credit for miracles today. It seems that everything can be explained away and miracles just don't really exist anymore. Doctors are called miracle workers. Financial blessings are because WE did all the work to achieve them. Back in Bible times everything was clearly God's handiwork!
When we see a rainbow in the sky do we thank God for his promise fulfilled to never flood the whole earth again? Or do we simply see light reflecting off the moisture in the air? When a loved one is healed of cancer do we praise God for healing the sick or do we instantly give Doctors and medicines the credit?
We forget that God created everything we see, hear, touch, taste, etc. He created the sun to shine brightly in the day and the moon to glow at night. The same God that brought the earth to be is the God who is watching over you, loving you, smiling down on YOU today!
Genesis 1:1 In the BEGINNING God created the heavens and the earth!
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