Today is Day 3 of the 90 Bible challenge! I'm still enjoying this time in the Word! I'm thankful I've taken on this challenge!
Ok, so todays reading was…interesting. First of all, the fact that Laban, Father of Leah and Rachel, basically tricked Jacob into marrying Leah seems terrible. I understand that it was custom to marry off the oldest daughter first but couldn't he have told Jacob that instead of letting him believe he would be marrying the love of his life after working seven years to earn her? Secondly, the fact that God allowed Leah to have a child because Jacob didn't love her as much as Rachel. Why did He allow men to marry more than one woman? Women today would be told they're crazy for having a Baby to "keep a man". Third, and this is sad to admit, I never fully understood where the Tribes of Israel came from UNTIL I read these chapters. These children came from Leah and her servant and Rachel and her servant. How awesome it is to finally understand such a large portion of the Bible's history! And again God is enabling women who were once unable to conceive to now have babies! The same God that blessed them with children can bless women today who cannot have children!
Another fascinating read was about Jacob wresting with God. He actually saw God face to face and lived to tell about it! This is the point that God changed his name from Jacob to Israel, because he wrestled with God and overcame! What a testimony for Jacob to have!
Yet again we see more genealogy. Whenever I saw genealogy in the Bible before I would always skim over it. I never paid much attention to it thinking it was just a pointless addition. Until the Lord showed me that He's that much into the details of our lives. He knows all and cares for us so intimately! God is into the details of our lives!
And we began reading about Joseph and his journey from beloved Son of Jacob to slave to second in command of all of Egypt! We see his character revealed multiple times. He refuses to feel bad for himself, instead seeing God's will for his life. He doesn't sleep with Potiphar's wife when she seduces him. He's still a man of honor, even in prison. He still follows the Lord and even interprets dreams while locked up for something he didn't even do!
I hope to be more like Joseph!
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