Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 5: Exodus 1-15:1-18

Today marks day 5 in reading through the Bible in 90 days! We read from Exodus 1-15 and saw God move in MIGHTY ways! This is a great book to read with children to show them of the awesome power of the God we serve!

I love that the people Pharaoh is trying to kill are the same people that gave birth to the man who ultimately takes him down. Moses is such an inspiration in his obedience to God! He was not good at public speaking, how many of us are, yet he obeyed and worked with his brother to bring God's message to Pharaoh and the people.

How lucky was Moses to see God through the burning bush?!? How awesome for God to display Himself through a burning bush?!? Wouldn't you love to have seen that for yourself?!?

I find it crazy that God would purposely harden Pharaoh's heart against Himself in order to show the people of Egypt that he is all powerful. The signs he preformed through Moses are mind boggling and the fact that Pharaoh refused to put an end to the suffering is amazing.

Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? Exodus 15:11

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