Sunday, September 16, 2012


I am so thankful for the women in my small group at church. They spur me on to be a better Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend. They encourage me to seek God and are such an inspirational group of women! I am so blessed to do life with them! We've been on break over the summer and I have truly missed the sense of community I have with them. Fortunately, we start up again on Tuesday and I cannot be more excited to see them all again and dig into Gods word together!

One of my small group members is currently battling cancer and WINNING! She's such a strong woman of God and gives Him all the credit for her healing! She's seen miracle after miracle during this fight for her life and she continues to seek and trust God! I'm believing for her full recover and praise God for her continual healing! What an awesome God we serve!

She's such an encouragement to me to not worry about tomorrow or what it MAY or may NOT bring! She lives out Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own!"

If you would, please join me in lifting her up in prayer for her continued healing!

Photo Credit

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