Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nothing Nice to Say

During Jury Duty I was able to read, from cover-to-cover, a book written by Joyce Meyer, 'Living Beyond Your Feelings'. It was such a good read! I highly recommend you take the time to read it!

One of the main points I got from the book was that speaking your feelings only makes them seem worse. I've really been trying not to complain about the aches and pains of pregnancy. I don't have easy pregnancies, by any means, but I'm blessed to be pregnant. After losing two Babies and the recent scare with this Baby - I really am thankful for the aches and pains.

I'm putting out the call for accountability! I need to reign in my complaints and not focus so much on the down-sides of pregnancy, rather focus on the miracle that is forming inside my womb! I'm too blessed to be stressed and praise God for what I've been given.

Please call me out on any complaints you hear from here on out!

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