As you know, I've been in Jury Duty for the last week. Basically it's just meant sitting in the basement of our county court house waiting for my name to be called. They never did call my name so I was able to read a complete book from start to finish!
Yesterday I was dismissed early from duty so I headed home for a nap while the kids were sleeping. When I woke up my hands and lips were numb/tingling. I was unsure of why I felt that way but didn't think much of it. I noticed I wasn't feeling Baby move much but just figured she was sleeping. About an hour later I still hadn't felt any movement and started getting concerned. I drank a glass of mountain dew and had a handful of m&m's, hoping the sugar and caffeine would help wake her up. Another hour passed and she still was not moving. No flutters, bumps, nothing. I was now really worried as I've never had a Baby with decreased movements.
I called into the on-call OB and awaited her instructions. Hoping I was overreacting I decided to eat dinner while I waited for her call back. Ate dinner, drank more water and laid down for a while. OB called and recommended I head into L&D. She agreed that it was better to be safe rather than sorry.
Upon arrival at L&D I was hooked up to the monitors for a Non-Stress Test. Basically it records the Baby's heart rate and any contractions. Unfortunately the Baby was not active and her heart rate was not fluctuating like they want to see. I was given some apple juice to drink, hoping it would wake her up. The juice didn't work. She wiggled once or twice but never really gave any good kicks. I was also having contractions that were causing her heart rate to drop a little lower than they like to see. A few more minutes passed and her heart rate then started to skyrocket into the 190's, which is too high.
Blood tests were run to rule out pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome and a urine analysis was done to rule out any bladder infections or spilling protein. All the tests came back normal. Baby was still not moving much…
The next step was an ultrasound to complete a Biophysical Profile. They rate the Baby on movements, practice breathing and fluid levels. She didn't do so well. Barely moving and didn't practice breathing at all. It was literally the most terrifying 30 minutes. The u/s Tech would push, quite hard, on my stomach, trying to get her to react and she would just lay there. I felt so helpless and scared for her life.
After the u/s we were sent back to our room to be monitored more and after another hour she did start moving a bit more so we were released and told to come into the clinic the next day for another NST.
So this morning we headed into the clinic for the repeat NST. Baby hadn't really been moving much through the night or early morning, which is very unusual for her. The first half of the NST she failed, not moving much at all and little fluctuations in her heart rate. I was again given some juice and she did finally perk up a little. My OB was ok with the second half of the NST but was worried that the first half hadn't met his expectations. So I was sent to the hospital for a repeat ultrasound.
This time I had eaten lunch and Baby passed with flying colors! We got to see her practice breathing and wiggling. It's such a miracle to see this little life forming! She was measured and weighs approximately 6 pounds at this point! We're 34 weeks 3 days and she's measuring 36 weeks! We know these are approximates but we're happy she seems to be growing well!
She's been moving well this afternoon! We're so thankful to everyone who prayed for her health and protection! Thankful to God for healing her and reviving her body and energy! So excited to meet her in a few short weeks!!!
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