Following up our list of 10 FREE Summer Activities here is a list of 10 ways to beat the summer heat!
1) Sprinkler Fun
Turn on the sprinkler and run through it! Your lawn will thank you for the drink as well!
2) Swimming
Fill up the kiddie pools and hop in with the kids! Even sitting with just your feet in the pool will help cool you down!
3) Cold Drinks
Icee's, Smoothies, Ice Water, anything cold that you drink will help cool you down from the inside out! Plus they taste good!
4) Popsicles!
If you're lucky enough to have an ice cream truck pass through your neighborhood, flag them down and buy some popsicles or ice cream! Same as cold drinks, it will cool you down from the inside out and they're yummy!
5) Hide
Seek out some shade and hide for a few minutes. Just getting out of the direct sunlight for a few minutes will help cool you down!
6) Frozen Bandana's
Soak some bandanna's or thin towels in water and freeze them. Wrap the frozen cloths around your neck to help cool yourself down quickly!
7) Avoid Hot Times
Simply avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day, if possible. In our area the hottest times are from about noon until 4:00pm so we try to schedule lunch and naps during that time so we're not outside.
8) Slow it down
To avoid getting too hot you can choose slower activities like playing in the sand or writing with chalk on the sidewalk. If you're not moving as much you won't get as hot.
9) Less is more
Wear the thinnest and least amount of clothing you can! Tank tops and shorts are great options as are swimming suits!
10) Spray Fans
They have personal sized fans on the market that are attached to spray bottles so you can squirt yourself with water and the fan cools it down. Note: If you're fanning yourself vs using an electric fan you'll warm up faster if you're moving faster so fan slowly!
What are your favorite ways to stay cool during the summer?
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