Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Heart BURN!

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One of the things I HATE most about being pregnant, aside from the backaches, frequent need to pee and exhaustion is the heartburn! As you can see I'm not a huge fan of pregnancy, I just love the reward at the end! The BURN never fails to kick in around 23 weeks and with a vengeance! I don't even take tylenol for a headache during pregnancy so I'm not about to take an antacid, especially since I was informed that taking too many antacids during pregnancy can actually affect the Babes ability to regulate their own acid production. So, I suffer.

I recently did a little digging to see if I could find any natural remedies for heartburn. Unfortunately most resources I looked at recommend TUMS or some other antacid. So I had to dig a little deeper.

My Mother-in-Law read an article somewhere that said apples can cure heartburn. I tried it and it didn't help me but she said it works great for her.

A dear friend of mine told me during my first pregnancy that apple cider vinegar works great for her heartburn but again it didn't work so well for me.

So, I dug a little more and found out that there really aren't anything's you can do to stop the heartburn once it has begun so it's best to prevent it from starting in the first place. What does that mean exactly?

*Eat Smaller, More Frequent meals.

*Avoid foods that stimulate the acid production

-Spicy anything
-Acidic anything

(It feels like I can only eat salads!)

*Sit up Straight
Sitting up allows the food to pass through all the tubing it needs to without causing any burning. Basically you need to sit up straight for 30 minutes or more after eating anything.

Ok, so I'm a little frustrated that there's nothing I can do to stop it. I will try these tips to prevent it. I just hope these next few months go by quickly!!

The old wives tale that lots of heartburn means lots of hair on Babes head has been true for us but I know plenty of Mama's who have had bald Babies and still suffered with heartburn. Guess we'll see how much hair this little lady has once she's born!

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