Speaking of health issues; Cobi has now had a total of 5 seizures. His latest seizure was in the ER in front of the nursing staff. Seizing is one way to get brought straight back to a room. His seizures have all been classified "febrile" because they occur during high fevers. For some reason Cobi spikes insanely high fevers for relatively mild illnesses like ear infections, which caused the last fever, and strep throat. We were finally referred to a neurologist and Cobi had an EEG done. He was awake for the entire traumatic event so they didn't get the full testing abilities since most abnormal brain activity happens while sleeping....learned that new thing! His EEG was normal so he's been diagnosed with "Simple Clonic Tonic Febrile Seizures". This basically means that he has grand mal, or full body shaking, during a seizure that is brought on by fever. We have a medication to use if he has any seizures lasting more than 3 minutes but thankfully his previous seizures have been around 2 minutes or so, even though it feels like hours during the seizing. These seizures tend to peak around age 3 and then should taper off and disappear by 5 or 6. We're praying he has NO more seizures!

Cobi is extremely strong-willed and outgoing. He's rough and tumble but loving and kind. He loves to pray for healing for anyone. He's come out with some hilarious quotes that make us burst into tears! Some of his funnies are:
"Mom, they're just cars. They're not naughty, just cars". - Said to me while I was getting frustrated with other drivers!
"I'm not a chair, I'm Cobi". - Said to Micah while being sat on!
He quotes movie lines just like his Daddy and he's always spot on with the comedic timing.
We love him to pieces and pray we're doing a good enough job raising him!

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