Day 7 of the 90 reading through the Bible challenge!
Can you imagine having to sacrifice three animals and go through the detailed process of cleaning them and collecting their blood? Can you imagine covering yourself with the blood from those animals? It's amazing how detailed God is in what He asks them to do in order to consecrate Aaron and his brothers. He even tells them to put blood on their Right ear lobe? So detail oriented is our God! They also had to pay God a ransom for their lives. Thank you Jesus for paying, in full, the ransom for us.
I'm slightly jealous of Moses who was allowed to see God and spend time with Him face-to-face for 80 days!!! He was given the 10 commandments during his first 40 day trip up the mountain to spend time with God. When he returned down to the people and saw how they had built up idols he was so angry that he threw the commandments down and they shattered. God ended up having to remake them and thus Moses got to spend another 40 days with God in face-to-face communion! I long for a relationship with the Lord like Moses had!
Then we read in Exodus 34:14 that God is a jealous God. We're told not to worship idols. He's talking about physical statues but other things in our lives can also become idols if we put them above the Lord - time, money, people, etc.
Exodus 34:6 And He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
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