Wednesday, October 31, 2012

One of me - FOUR of you!

It feels like I'm constantly being pulled in a million different directions every day. I feel like I'm stuck on repeat as I keep telling my kids, "there's only one of me and FOUR of you". I know they don't yet understand why Mama can't change their diaper, refill their drink, snuggle or hold them right this second.

I feel terrible when I have to choose which request is most important. I want my Children to all feel important to me always! This is such a hard season since I'm nursing Adee and thus can't just put her down and plop a bottle into her mouth, not that I would do that anyway. I get so frustrated having to decide if I should stop nursing Adee to change a diaper or tickle a tummy of one of my older kiddos. I just pray that they feel my love all the time. I try my hardest to get in good quality time with each of my kids and take notice when one of them is having an especially clingy day - that's my cue to try a little harder! I just pray for grace to make it through the days alone with all four of them! The housework will probably be pushed to the wayside because the dust bunnies can wait while I'm loving on my Babies!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Picture Update!

Here's some of the pictures we've taken over the last few weeks! Just a fun look at what goes on in the Schwartz household!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Adalee is 1 month old!

Yikes, that is kind of painful to write…Adalee is 1 month old. This is our last Baby so this will be the last time I celebrate, or mourn, a month passing! She's had a rough start, crying a lot and difficulty nursing from a strong letdown, but we've figured it out and things are looking up! She's been given a nickname that has stuck - Adee or Adee May! She's a beautiful little girl and I'm so blessed she's mine!

She had another well-child check and just like we suspected…she's well! She now weighs 11 pounds and 13 ounces and is 23 inches long! So she's not suffering from any issues we may have had with nursing!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Apple Orchard Fun!

Today we visited the Pine Tree Apple Orchard! The kids had a great time - and so did the adults! We got a ton of apples, apple cider and even some apple butter and apple donuts! Yummy!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Newborn Pictures!

Today we were blessed to have Adalee's newborn pictures taken by a fantastic photographer! Our Photographer was a gem and was so great with all four of our children! Here's just a sneak peek!


Monday, October 22, 2012

4th Birthday Celebration!

For Cobi's 4th Birthday we gave him a Bike!

Then we went Bowling!

Followed by Cake & more gifts!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Letter to my 4-year old!

Jacobi, today you turn 4 years old! I'm so happy you're 4 but I'm also so sad that you're already 4. I really feel like you were just born! I honestly remember everything from the day you were born! I will never forget the day you were gifted to us from God!

Your first year of life was quite hard on all of us. You cried and cried and cried, all the time for the first 4 months. The only thing that calmed you down was bouncing in your bouncy seat. We bounced you in it so often that it broke and we had to make a midnight run to Walmart to buy another one. It became a running joke because I wouldn't leave the house without your bouncy seat!
From about 5 months on you were such a happy baby! You started sitting the day you turned 6 months old, crawling at 8 months and walking at 10 months! Always ahead of the curve!

You became a big brother before you even turned 2 years old. You loved your brother from day 1 and although you're far too rough with him while playing, you're just as protective when the need arrises!

And you had a little sister before you turned 3 years old! Again you were a great big brother to her! You still love on her to this day!

And once again, you became a big brother for the third time right before your 4th birthday! You've taken to your littlest sister so sweetly! You're such a big helper!

You are my firstborn and you know it! You love to take the lead & be in charge. You've got a lot of responsibility because your younger Brother & Sisters look up to you & follow your example.

I'm so stinkin' proud of you! You're potty training and doing very well! Because you have had many seizures you've had some setbacks, including potty training, but you're picking it up!

You're such a sweet boy! Always looking after your Baby Sister & wanting to hold her. You're rough & tumble but able to comfort when the time comes. You love your Siblings!

We're so blessed to call you our Son! We pray you're healthy, happy & drawn closer to the Lord everyday during the rest of your life! It's been a great 4 years being your Mama!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Houston, we have poop in the toilet!!!! We told Cobi he can play on the iPad if/when he poops on the toilet. He LOVES playing on the "computer" and tried his hardest to earn play time! He tried 3 or 4 times, each attempt he brought himself to the toilet. The last try was a success!!! I hope he continues making it to the toilet each time!

Next up, night time potty training. Do you have any tips for us? Do you wake potty trainers in the middle of the night to use the toilet? When do they start waking on their own?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Taking a Break

No, not from blogging in general. I'm taking a break from Take 10 Tuesday's and Make it Work Wednesday's. It's simply too much for this Mama to handle right now. They will be back…I'm just not sure when!

If you have any idea for a Take 10 list or Make it Work Double Duty tips, feel free to send them my way! I'll be sure to link the credit back to your blog/website!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ridiculously overwhelmed

Potty training, diaper changes, Sippy cup refills, boo-boo kisses, breastfeeding, meal prep, laundry, dishes, toys, tears....I'm overwhelmed! I'm utterly terrified of having to run this household by myself when my Husband returns to work. My oldest had a potty training accident today and I broke out in sobs of frustration and fear. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage it all, especially alone!

I was crying to my Mom who reminded me I don't have to be SuperMom. I cried to my Husband who told me it's just a season - a hard season but it too shall pass. I cried out to my Heavenly Father who assured me He will be with me every step of the way. I'm not doing this on my own and I shouldn't try.

While I'm still not sure how everything will get done, or even if it will all get done, I have peace that passes ALL UNDERSTANDING! My Father told me He would never leave me nor forsake me! So when I feel the tears welling up and the fear or anxiety rising I will cry out to the One who can calm my storms, or at least my Spirit!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Reminded again….

Last night while laying in bed, desperately trying to get my 11-day old back to sleep, I began to cry out of frustration. I cried out to God asking why I had ANOTHER Baby who doesn't burp well or sleep well. And that still, small voice spoke 5 words that rattled my core: "At least you have her".

I've had two miscarriages and I know the pain that comes with loss. I know the ache felt whenever a new Mom would complain about being sleep deprived when all I longed for was the chance to hold my Babies in my arms. I've seen too many women lose their Babies to miscarriage, stillbirth and even SIDS. I must remember how much of a blessing it is to have this sweet Daughter of God.

While it may not always be perfect or peaceful with these children, it is none-the-less a miracle! I praise God for a quiver full and know that he's my source of strength. So I'm reminded once again to seek Him and be thankful for these Babies!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Really Stuck

Cobi has been doing fantastically well at going pee on the toilet. He takes himself when he needs to go and hasn't had any accidents!!!!! I'm so stinkin' proud of him! I knew he could do it!

The downside is that he has yet to poop on the toilet. He's pooped on the floor and in his pants but never on the toilet. I'm not sure how to handle this. So far I've tried to be patient and understanding but he's just not grasping the idea. I'm stuck!

So what tips or tricks do you have for getting a potty trainer to poop in the toilet?

*We've stopped giving rewards, aside from high fives and verbal praise, for pee and told him he only gets a treat if he poops. We have reminded him, had him sit on the pot for extended periods of time, etc and to no avail. So please HELP!!! How do I get this child to poop in the pot?!?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I have been so spoiled with my Husband being home with us! He is able to take off 6 weeks from work and I'm loving it! I really am so thankful he's home right now!

To top it off, we have been insanely blessed with meals! We've received so much delicious food from women from our current and last Church that our fridge can't hold anymore! We've never before, with our other Babies, been given so many wonderful meals!

God knows we need support in that way and my amazing friends are so generous! I'm so appreciative for their homemade meals and I feel a thank you card is never enough. So in addition to the written thank you's I pray God blesses you 100 fold!!!

*Don't ever think something as 'easy' as making a meal is not a blessing - I'm here to tell you it can be a real life saver!

Monday, October 8, 2012

1 week old!

Today marks Adalee turning 1 week old! She had an appointment with her pediatrician for a weight check and to make sure she's doing well after a week here on land! She left the hospital weighing 8lbs 4oz which was down a little from her birth weight of 8lbs 9oz. Today she weighed 8lbs 13oz! So she's gained back what she lost AND then some! Breast milk is the best milk! She really is a great nurser! She's still 21.5" long so she hasn't grown in length but that's pretty normal, especially since she's so tall anyway! She's 98% for height and 86% for weight.

Her Pediatrician was very pleased with everything! Adalee is growing well and everything looks good! She also lost her umbilical stump today while in the clinic.

The only negative is that the mispronunciation of her name has already started. Today she was called back as Adele, yes…like the singer. Oh well, I have what I think is an easy name and I was always called the wrong name growing up…she'll get used to it!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Potty Training….again

Today we started hard core potty training Cobi. I'm talking, lots of drinks & no clothes, diapers, etc from the waist down. Shaelyn decided she wants to give it a try too. I'm so praying this will stick & they'll be potty trained by Cobi's 4th birthday on the 21st.

Potty training is definitely the ultimate test of patience & endurance. Thankfully my Husband has both! He's been such a great encourager to Cobi and really ensures Cobi knows how proud he is! It's really been wonderful to watch!!!

So, here's to our Big Boy getting potty trained by the 21st! And yes, we'll take any prayers we can get!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Free Nursing Pillow!

Udder Covers, who also makes nursing covers and slings, is giving away a coupon code for a FREE Nursing Pillow!

For your coupon for a Free Nursing Pillow Click Here!

Select your favorite style & then fill in your e-mail address. Once the pillows are in stock you'll get a coupon code for 100% off! Free nursing pillow just for voting for your favorite design!!!