Every Mama who has ever nursed a Baby can tell you it's not as easy as it looks. There are challenges along the way that no one can prepare you for. Stick with it and eventually it will become like second nature!
1) Patience is key!
Be patient with yourself and your Baby. You're both learning how this breastfeeding thing works and it takes time to get everything working together nicely. Even second, fourth, eighth time Mama's will tell you, every Baby and every breastfeeding relationship is different! Take your time and give each other grace!
2) Positioning is so important!
Always sit or lay in a good position for nursing! You don't want to get into the habit of slouching or holding Baby funny while nursing. This can result in muscle soreness, breast soreness or even a poor latch. Sit upright with pillows propping up Baby vs using your arms the whole time.
3) Ask for help!
If you're unsure of any aspect of breastfeeding don't hesitate to ask for help! You can call or e-mail members of the LLC or ask for a breastfeeding counselor in your hospital. Don't give up without asking for help first! Trust me, you'll regret not asking!
4) Cranio Sacral Therapy!
Being Born is hard work! Babies experience more trauma than we give them credit for during delivery. Sometime's Babies can have things out of whack in their bodies making it hard to them to nurse. I highly recommend seeking out a cranio sacral therapist who can adjust these out of balance babes! Check out Nichi Hirsch Kuechle at My Healthy Beginning for more information and great support! She's amazing!!! (And no, she did not ask me to offer a referral, I just truly love her work!)
5) Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Keep water bottles readily available and drink to your hearts content and beyond! Milk is made up of a lot of water so you need to be taking in a lot of water! If you're feeling thirsty during the day you're not drinking enough! I always recommend Mama's drink a full 8 ounces of water during each nursing session, at least!
6) Rest whenever possible!
Creating food for a Baby is no easy task. It requires a lot of energy from Mama to create that perfect milk! So rest whenever possible! If you have more than your new bundle to care for ask for help with the older children so you can rest as much as you need! Remember: you can only be as good to your Baby as you are to yourself so take care!
7) Cabbage Leaves!
Chilled cabbage leaves are wonderful for engorged and painful breasts! Store them in your fridge for the cooling pain relief. There's something in the cabbage leaves that reduces pain and swelling. Don't believe me? Give it a try! If it doesn't work for you they make a great snack!
8) Shower for relief!
Be careful about pumping to reduce engorgement. Your breasts are trying to figure out how much milk to make and it's all about supply and demand. If you pump the milk out your body will think it needs to keep making that amount. Instead, try a warm shower to release just enough to reduce the pain and swelling.
9) Ask for help!
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to ask for help! If you have any questions whatsoever ask someone! The LLC is a great resource full of women who have nursed plenty of Babies and can offer advice. Be wary of Dr's who push formula vs trying to find and fix whatever issue might be causing a supply problem!
10) Feed on demand
Finally, feed Baby when Baby asks! Nursing based on the clock is not a good idea, in my opinion. Baby knows when they're hungry, the clock does not! Trust your Baby, your body and your instincts!
Breastfeeding is hard work but with time, patience and practice it can become second nature! Breast milk is the best milk, whenever possible for newborn tummies!
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