Everyone is busy and the house often takes a backseat when it comes to cleaning. You can get your home clean a lot faster if you make some adjustments to become an efficient speed cleaner! Below are my top 10 simple tips to speed clean your entire home!
1) Clean Often!
The more often you clean your home the less mess you'll actually have to clean. I recommend spot cleaning the major traffic area's of your home, the bathroom and kitchen for example, on a daily basis. If you wipe down the countertops every day you won't have to spend 10 minutes scrubbing the stubborn stuck on mess.
2) Keep it Together!
Store cleaning supplies either in their designated rooms or in a cleaning caddy so they all stay together. If you've got the space in each room you can store the supplies necessary for cleaning that room IN that room. I keep my bathroom cleaning supplies under the sink along with a roll of paper towels. Kitchen cleaning supplies go under the kitchen sink. If you don't have ample space or you use multi-purpose cleaners you can store them all together in a caddy to keep everything handy and make transporting it from room to room easier.
3) Give everything a permanent home!
Designate a home for everything in your house. This way you always know where to put it back, making clean up faster and more efficient for everyone!
4) Set reasonable goals!
If you're feeling overwhelmed with the cleaning you can set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes. Clean until the timer goes off and then take a break. After a 5 minute break you can reset the timer for another 5 or 10 minutes and clean some more. Do this until the room is done. You can clean for 10 minutes without losing focus or becoming too overwhelmed.
5) Break it into sections!
If the room your cleaning is excessively dirty or cluttered you can divide it into sections. For example, if you're cleaning the kitchen start by putting all dirty dishes into the dishwasher. After that you can throw away any garbage and recycle any recyclables. Next move onto putting away any food that's out. Follow that up by wiping off the counter tops and then sweep up any crumbs off the floor. Breaking up the cleaning into tasks makes it less overwhelming and easier to tackle!
6) Make it fun!
Crank up some music while cleaning to make the job a little less boring! It's easier to do anything when you're having fun!
7) Recruit the family!
Getting your family involved in the upkeep of the home will make speed cleaning much more possible. If your family is putting their things away you will have less "stuff" to clean leaving you more time to actually clean vs having to sort out where everything goes.
8) Start and finish!
Whichever room you start in you should stay in that room until it is clean. You can use a laundry basket or bags to hold any items that don't belong in the room you're cleaning. Once you're finished cleaning that room you can bring those items to their appropriate place and put them away while cleaning their room.
9) Deep Clean when possible
Speed cleaning is really about getting the surface grime cleaned away and making your home look nice on first glance. However, you will need to do the deep cleaning like the microwave, mopping and windows every now and then. I recommend setting a schedule of deep cleaning once a month to start. If you find you need to do the deep cleaning more often than that simply adjust your schedule until you find the right balance for your home and family. I need to do deep cleaning about once every two weeks. Again, it's all about finding the balance that works for your family.
10) Reward yourself!
Once you've finished speed cleaning your home you should reward yourself! Your reward is your choice but it can be anything from a chocolate to a glass of wine, sitting down for 10 minutes or taking time to read some of a book. The point is to have something to look forward to once the cleaning is done!
These are just 10 simple tips you can implement to make speed cleaning your home a possibility. These are more geared towards the quick spot cleaning.
Do you speed clean all the time or just when guests are dropping by?
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