My Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law both took great pleasure recently in pointing out the fact that I have grey hairs. Being only 24 years old it is a little disheartening to see my gorgeous brown locks turning into a silvery white color. However, much like my stretch marks, I believe the grey's come from the stress of raising children!
I have a tummy fully of stretch marks from the 6 pregnancies I've gone through over the last 4 years. They're by no means attractive but they are a reminder of what a miracle my children truly are! By God's grace we've had three, almost four, healthy children and my stretch marks are testament to that.
I've successfully kept three children alive for their whole lives, so far! I've managed to run this household in a somewhat organized manner and again, my grey hairs are testament to that!
None of my children would be here if it weren't for the God who formed them in my womb! None of us would be where we are today if it weren't for God's graces and mercies that are, thankfully, so new everyday! I probably wouldn't have grey hairs yet and I definitely would not have stretch marks if I didn't have my children but life isn't about perfection…it's about living life to the fullest and bringing God all the glory!
There's not much I can do about the stretch marks and I've got so few grey's that it's pointless to color my hair yet, but my children are already 3.5, 2 and 1. Time flies by too quickly to obsess over things that can't be changed! Beauty is about sacrificing yourself for the good of someone else, i.e, going through 9 months of backaches, nausea, exhaustion and the rest that pregnancy brings, so you can give life to another being!
Just remember that while the world looks at stretch marks and grey hairs as "ugly" your children see them as proof that you would do anything for them!
Do you have any tips for fading stretch marks?
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