I definitely went overboard with the Facebook craze. I enjoyed the outside, adult contact that came with spending time on Facebook. I was always checking up on friends, family and acquaintances. Problem is, I'm not exaggerating, I was literally on Facebook all the time. I would go minutes off of Facebook and feel like I needed to check it again. It became a consuming addiction in my life. It prevented me from giving my children my full attention. It kept me from doing my household responsibilities. It kept me up late at night and it was the first thing I thought of doing in the morning. It was really bad!
So, I made a commitment to God, myself and my family to get off of Facebook. I couldn't break the addiction simply by not going onto the website so I deactivated my account and didn't look back. Now, I admit that it was not easy for the first few days. I kept picking up my phone or iPad to go check on people, realizing I no longer had a Facebook and I promised to keep it that way! I pleaded with God to make it an easy transition and to give me the strength to break free! After the first three or four days it was no longer a big deal. I play with my children more! I am able to keep up with the housework better! I feel way less Mama guilt and I'm more at peace with life!
My priorities are back in the right order once again. I'm not sure if I'll ever get a Facebook account again, but if I do it won't be for a long time! I figure if people truly care about me they can e-mail, text, call, you know....contact like it used to be?!? Facebook created fake relationships that didn't ever measure up to anything in real life. While it was fun to keep connected and up to date on what everyone was doing, it was literally sucking the life out of myself and my family.
Please know, I'm not blaming Facebook to any degree. I let it take over my life and become a consuming addiction. I did this to myself and allowed it to control my every waking moment. I take full responsibility for my choices and have taken the steps I needed to break free from this addiction! Thank you Lord for grace to make it through these stupid decisions I've made!!
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