Yes, this is our diaper bag - It's a Sanaa Hyder Weekender Bag
Every Mama is different. Every Baby is different. Every family will need different items in their Diaper Bag. For my Irish Quads these are the 10 things that are ALWAYS in my diaper bag - ok, it's actually a duffel bag - give me a break, I have FOUR kids in diapers! Take it or leave it, if any of these items don't work for your family…don't pack them!
1) Diapers
Obviously if you're carrying a diaper bag you probably have a child in diapers. Although, undies for potty trained kids are good to have too in case of accidents! We carry our diapers in a roll up changing pad - I have one for the boys, who wear the same size diapers, and one for the girls - yes, I already have diapers for Baby Girl in the case.
2) Wipes
Again, this is kind of obvious as you never know when you'll need to change a poopy diaper. You can buy re-sealable wipes containers or you can just store them in a plastic baggie or a travel wipes container.
3) Change of Clothes
We always carry a change of clothes for each child. Regardless of if they're potty trained or not, we bring extra clothes. We never have to worry about spilled food, mud, explosive diapers, etc since they'll have another outfit to change into.
4) Nail Clippers
My kids are notoriously picky when it comes to their nails. If their nails have any kind of imperfection they demand it be taken care of immediately! So we carry a nail kit that has a nail clipper and nail file.
5) Nursing Cover
I don't always use a cover when nursing in public but I always carry it in case I feel more comfortable being covered.
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6) Burp Cloths
I always carry a burp cloth or two for use while nursing, bottle feeding, or burping!
7) Formula Container
I had to formula feed my first from two months on and my second from six months on. I always kept a travel formula container fully stocked in my diaper bag. Bottles were put in last minute with hot water so that by the time Baby needs to eat the water was room temperature vs cold.
8) Small Toys
I keep a small car and a tiny doll in the diaper bag at all times so the kids have something they can play with if we get stuck in an appointment longer than planned.
9) Snacks
I keep a ziploc baggie of cheerios, gold fish crackers, or granola bars in the diaper bag for emergency snacking whenever needed. Snacks come in handy quite often!
10) First Aid Supplies
The last thing we always keep stocked in our diaper duffle is a First-Aid kit. It has bandaids, essential oils, tweezers and an instant ice pack. With rough and tumble boys we get a lot of scrapes so we need a lot of bandaids!
Once again, this is what works for our family but it might not work for yours! Take what works and leave what doesn't!
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