Monday, August 13, 2012

Backyard Bonfire Bliss!

What is it about bonfires that just makes everything seem right in the world? I love the smells, the sounds, the awesome colors - I love everything about bonfires! In fact, the first thing we did, the night we moved into our home, was to dig out a fire pit! I cannot say it enough, bonfires are pure bliss!!!
My children are finally coming around to the idea of sitting while watching a bonfire vs running around it. I enjoy cuddling with them around the fire and I think they're beginning to notice how awesome bonfires are too! Well, maybe it's the s'mores…Regardless, I LOVE bonfires!

Now you want to go have a bonfire don't you?!? You know you do! Go for it! They're BLISS!!!

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