Once you get to know me you'll learn that I'm the type of person that, when I decide I want to do something - it MUST get done NOW! For example: When I decide I want to cut my hair I go out the same day and get it cut. When I want to redecorate a room I want to go buy the paint today and get the first coat on the wall immediately. Seriously, it's such a part of who I am that it has become a running joke in our family that when Mama wants it done it better be done now or she'll be up all night pouting. It's a terrible personality trait that I try so hard not to give into. Being pregnant and nesting makes it a million times worse!
So, I started out by organizing our bathroom, which I think works really well for our family! I should probably take some pictures and show you all how it's looking now…I'll work on that soon.
Next up was our (My Husband and I's) bedroom. I went through both of our nightstands and cleaned them out. My Husband tends to hoard receipts like nobody's business. I also got a charging station for my Husband's electronics because I HATE seeing all the cords draped everywhere. Next up was purging clothes from our closet. Can I just say it's nearly impossible to purge anything when pregnant? I'm not sure how anything is going to fit me in two months. So, needless to say, not much was actually taken out. Following the closet, I cleared out our dresser. I only use four of the eight drawers for clothes, the rest are "stuff" drawers, a printer drawer and then I turned one into a "Baby Girl" drawer that houses diapers, sleepers/swaddlers and burp cloths. We co-sleep our Babes in our room and thus it's much easier to have their necessities in our room. I'm hoping having this drawer will help me keep the Baby clothes chaos to a minimum. Anyway, I digress…
Next up was the Girls Room! I LOVE their room more than words can say. It's truly embarrassing how giddy I get whenever I think of their design! I keep saying I wish I could spend all day in that room…cheesy, I know!
Now I'm left with our Laundry Room and the Boys Room. Our Living Room/Toy Room is always a work in progress so I've pretty much given up on doing anything with that room until the kids are MUCH older!
Well, we decided to start in on the laundry room today. Unfortunately, it's a HUGE mess. It's become a store-all for junk. We had everything from fish supplies to beach towels, cleaning supplies to a litter box. It really was a hodgepodge and I hated going into that room. The biggest problem is that to give us a well-functioning room we had to remove three heavy pieces of furniture. So what did I do because of my "must get it done now" attitude? Yep, I hired movers to get it moved for us. I'm 8 months pregnant, my Mom is "weak" (don't take offense Mom, you said yourself you're getting weaker) and my Husband has chronic back issues. So I took it upon myself to get it moved…by someone else!
Another problem is that we moved the fridge that was in the laundry room to our kitchen to replace the older and smaller fridge we had been using. Can I just say that adding three inches to the fridge size made a HUGE difference. Our previous fridge was stuffed to the gills and this one looks so empty! Since we moved such big furniture we had to shift other things so it now looks like a bomb went off! We have a shoe rack in our hallway, miscellaneous food stuffs that need thrown out sitting on our counter, the basement is a disaster. It's really quite overwhelming at the moment.
Next up we'll get to painting and organizing! It is sick how excited I am to get this room finished! Seriously! Embarrassing! Our Plan of design attack!
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