Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Friday!

Thank God it's Friday! I only wish that meant my Husband was home tomorrow…

Here's a little song/poem a Friend of mine shared that I wanted to pass along to all of you!

"Song for a Fifth Child"
(by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton)

Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

So my question for you: How do YOU maintain a clean home while enjoying your children?!? It can be quite overwhelming so any tips are much appreciated!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Miracles do happen!

As you know, I've been in Jury Duty for the last week. Basically it's just meant sitting in the basement of our county court house waiting for my name to be called. They never did call my name so I was able to read a complete book from start to finish!

Yesterday I was dismissed early from duty so I headed home for a nap while the kids were sleeping. When I woke up my hands and lips were numb/tingling. I was unsure of why I felt that way but didn't think much of it. I noticed I wasn't feeling Baby move much but just figured she was sleeping. About an hour later I still hadn't felt any movement and started getting concerned. I drank a glass of mountain dew and had a handful of m&m's, hoping the sugar and caffeine would help wake her up. Another hour passed and she still was not moving. No flutters, bumps, nothing. I was now really worried as I've never had a Baby with decreased movements.

I called into the on-call OB and awaited her instructions. Hoping I was overreacting I decided to eat dinner while I waited for her call back. Ate dinner, drank more water and laid down for a while. OB called and recommended I head into L&D. She agreed that it was better to be safe rather than sorry.

Upon arrival at L&D I was hooked up to the monitors for a Non-Stress Test. Basically it records the Baby's heart rate and any contractions. Unfortunately the Baby was not active and her heart rate was not fluctuating like they want to see. I was given some apple juice to drink, hoping it would wake her up. The juice didn't work. She wiggled once or twice but never really gave any good kicks. I was also having contractions that were causing her heart rate to drop a little lower than they like to see. A few more minutes passed and her heart rate then started to skyrocket into the 190's, which is too high.

Blood tests were run to rule out pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome and a urine analysis was done to rule out any bladder infections or spilling protein. All the tests came back normal. Baby was still not moving much…

The next step was an ultrasound to complete a Biophysical Profile. They rate the Baby on movements, practice breathing and fluid levels. She didn't do so well. Barely moving and didn't practice breathing at all. It was literally the most terrifying 30 minutes. The u/s Tech would push, quite hard, on my stomach, trying to get her to react and she would just lay there. I felt so helpless and scared for her life.

After the u/s we were sent back to our room to be monitored more and after another hour she did start moving a bit more so we were released and told to come into the clinic the next day for another NST.

So this morning we headed into the clinic for the repeat NST. Baby hadn't really been moving much through the night or early morning, which is very unusual for her. The first half of the NST she failed, not moving much at all and little fluctuations in her heart rate. I was again given some juice and she did finally perk up a little. My OB was ok with the second half of the NST but was worried that the first half hadn't met his expectations. So I was sent to the hospital for a repeat ultrasound.

This time I had eaten lunch and Baby passed with flying colors! We got to see her practice breathing and wiggling. It's such a miracle to see this little life forming! She was measured and weighs approximately 6 pounds at this point! We're 34 weeks 3 days and she's measuring 36 weeks! We know these are approximates but we're happy she seems to be growing well!

She's been moving well this afternoon! We're so thankful to everyone who prayed for her health and protection! Thankful to God for healing her and reviving her body and energy! So excited to meet her in a few short weeks!!!

Lesson learned...

The other day my Husband was getting ready for work when our garbage disposal suddenly stopped working. I LOVE my in-sink disposal and have become quite accustomed to using it. I'm not kidding, it literally gets used at each meal and quite often for snacks too. I freaked out when it stopped working! My Husband, who was already dressed in his work attire, came to my rescue and tried to figure out what was wrong with my favorite kitchen accommodation!

He was trying to figure it out when he accidentally stuck his work shirt covered arm under the running water. I got upset for him and couldn't believe that he just rolled up his sleeve and kept working. He didn't skip a beat while I was getting more and more upset as the seconds ticked by. I even asked him why he wasn't mad about his shirt getting wet. I would have been throwing a fit by this point…wait, I already was.

He simply explained that it wasn't that big of a deal, his shirt wasn't that wet, it would dry and if it caused a problem he could change quick before leaving. I was stunned. Why had I overreacted so quickly. Plenty of households don't have garbage disposals. I didn't have one until moving into this house and we managed just fine without it. So why was I so upset?

Seriously? Life has become one upset after another for me. I used to just let things roll off my back, not getting worked up about anything. Why have I become so emotional about every little thing that doesn't go my way? Life isn't perfect, I know that. So why do I get so bent out of shape when life happens?

My poor family has been living with a crazed, overly-emotional, Mother who has totally unrealistic expectations for every area of her life. I expect perfection from everyone and every situation when in reality - I'm so far from reacting perfectly! I throw fits just like my three year old whenever something goes differently than I had planned.

But it says in God's word in Proverbs 17:27 The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.

EVEN-tempered. In other words, not blowing a gasket or having a melt-down any time something doesn't go my way. Not throwing a temper tantrum when the kids are misbehaving, when the garbage disposal is not working or when I'm not sleeping well. It means using restraint in my emotions when I feel like the world is ending. God never told me life would be perfect but he did say that His grace is sufficient and I should rely upon Him to fulfill all of my needs!

How do you remain even-tempered when life is not going your way?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Make it Work with a Lazy Susan

Today's Make it Work are with Lazy Susan's! Most often Lazy Susan's are used on a dining room table to hold common dining items such as butter, salt & pepper and napkins. You can also use Lazy Susan's to:

*Organize a Fridge
Store condiments, sauces, etc on a Lazy Susan so you can easily see what you have and reach each item.

*Organize a Pantry
Store oils, jars, etc on a Lazy Susan in your pantry to allow easy access to each item!

*Organize Crafts
Place Glues, Glitter, Paints, etc on a Lazy Susan to make it easy to grab whatever product you need during craft time!

*Store Pots/Pans
Add a Lazy Susan to your cupboards to make it easy to get at each pot/pan, even the ones far in the back!

*Store Medicines
Hold Medications on a Lazy Susan in a cabinet/cupoboard to easily see what you have/are running low on!

Your Turn! What's your Double Duty Tip for using a Lazy Susan?!?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

10 Ways to Make Pregnancy Easier!

I am by no means an expert at being pregnant. In fact, if I was brutally honest, I greatly dislike being pregnant! I enjoy pregnancy for about 8 weeks, somewhere in the middle, but the beginning with morning sickness, and end with aches & pains, just kill me! However, after having gone through 6 pregnancies, 4 full-term, I have a few, ok, 10 tips and tricks to make it a little easier on your body and mind!

1) Eat Healthy
I know this seems like a no-brainer but especially in the first trimester it can be difficult to eat at all. Make whatever food you do eat HEALTHY! Fruits and veggies, especially veggies, should be your best friends! A good diet will not only grow a healthy Baby it will also keep your weight gain down and prevent complications like pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure!

I really cannot over-emphasize this enough. Sleeping whenever possible is so important, not only to your physical health but also to your mental health! Being run-down can lead to many physical ailments but can also play a role in depression. If you're tired try to nap when you get the chance! The housework can wait!!! SLEEP!

3) Hydrate
I know, I know…water is so boring! I also dislike plain water. So I add ice to it. I love chewing ice so adding it to my water forces me to drink more! You can also add a squirt of lemon juice to your water or frozen berries to mix it up a little! Whatever you do, drink loads of water! Studies have shown that drinking water also reduces your risk of developing pre-eclampsia!

4) Take a Breather
Ever so often take time to connect with your Baby. I know this sounds a little cheesy but the more children we have the less time we're able to bond with the Baby in our womb! Take a few seconds, minutes, whatever you can spare, each day to just pray over or talk to your Baby! Really feel the movements and picture what he/she is doing!

5) Bathe
I LOVE baths while pregnant, unfortunately my tub is half the size of my pinky finger. Submerging yourself under water has many scientifically proven calming and healing effects on the body and mind. It also helps reduce blood pressure and relieves aches and pains!

6) Be Realistic with YOU
Being pregnant changes your body in more ways than just the physical bump. Your muscles loosen, your hormones shift and your body shifts to allow this miracle to pass from you into the world! You're probably going to have moments or even days, where you're sore, tired and/or crabby. Be realistic in what you demand from your body. You probably won't be able to move like you used to, think like you used to or even react like you used to. Don't beat yourself up if you have moments of shed tears or frustrations over something as silly as spilled sugar. Give yourself a break! You're creating human life!!!

7) Ask for Help
Along with being realistic about what you can and cannot do, don't be afraid to ask for help! The dresser is too heavy to move from this wall to that wall? Ask your Husband or a friend/family member to help you! Think of you and that Baby when trying to be Superwoman!

8) Keep your cool
Especially being pregnant during the summer, it's important to find ways to stay cool! Take a dip in a local pool, dance through the sprinkler with your kiddos, eat popsicles or ice chips, sit in front of the fan, etc. Swelling is NOT fun and it is made exponentially worse with over-heating. Not to mention, getting too hot or dehydrated can lead to pre-term labor!

9) Take a chill pill
Calm down and stop worrying about everything so much. I'm a total Worry-wart so this one I especially feel the need to expound upon. We're stressed out enough with daily living, we don't need to add anymore stress or anxiety onto our already overloaded plates! Take a moment to breathe, relax and remember what you've been blessed with thus far! Relaxing will keep your blood pressure low and further reduce the risk of any complications where as getting stressed will only do the opposite!

10) Last but NOT Least
ENJOY the ride! We never have any guarantees in life that tomorrow will come or what tomorrow will bring with it. Enjoy being pregnant, yes, even when you're hot, sore and cranky! Think of all the women who cannot be pregnant, who have lost Babies or who long to be where you are right now! Relish each kick, hiccup and roll because you'll miss it once it's gone!

Your turn! What's your top tip for making pregnancy easier?!?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Knight in Shining Armor

Today I am so thankful for my Husband, a.k.a. my Knight in Shining Armor! I developed a migraine that was different from the migraines I've experienced in the past. Both of my arms and my face went numb. I was terrified I was preeclamptic and didn't want to risk a seizure. I also had really bad double vision, that made lunch prep almost impossible! Plus, my head was in pain from the migraine. It was decided I should probably be seen to rule out any preeclampsia.

My Husband raced home from work to watch the kids and take me to L&D. Upon arrival my blood pressure was elevated quite a bit at 156/93. The Dr. treating me was concerned about preeclampsia and almost started a magnesium drip, which is used to prevent seizures. Preeclampsia is defined as blood pressures of anything over 140/90 AND spilling protein into the urine. There was talk of an emergency c-section and I needed my Husband by my side so he even found a Babysitter to watch our kids so he could join me in the L&D. Thank God I was not spilling any protein and after a medication was administered my blood pressure returned to normal.

We were released and told to rest. Yeah right, rest with 3 small children at home. HA! Well, actually my Knight whisked me off to bed and dealt with the kids until I was feeling better. I was literally passed out cold in bed for about 4 hours and he took care of the house, dog and kids the whole time! I could tell he was tired when I woke up but instead of going to lay down himself, he made us dinner and then shipped me back off to bed.

I am so thankful for this man that God has placed in my life. I don't say it enough but Thank you Hubby for being my Knight in Shining Armor. I am so proud of the Husband, Father, employee, etc you are. I am honored to be your Wife and pray our Daughters marry someone just like you some day!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

No more Babies for us.

Four children under the age of four, living in two bedrooms, with one income is hard (and one of the four isn't even born yet)! I've been pregnant or nursing for the last five years straight! Pregnancy and breastfeeding are taxing on the human body. I'm exhausted and my body is not handling the added stress very well. My thyroid is not functioning as it should and now I'm on medicine to control my heart rate! Needless to say, having anymore children is probably not wise on our part.
Yes, we've prayed about whether or not we should have more kids. We both feel at peace that the answer is NO! We've got the perfect sib-set of two older boys and two younger girls. Our children are happy and healthy and all we could ask for! So why am I so concerned about it?
I was watching my kiddos play outside today when it hit me how grown up my Baby Girl is getting. She's running around with her Brother's, speaking so many words/sentences, and just overall acting like a Big Girl!
I was comforted in the fact that I'll get to go through the Baby stage again with this little lady. But then I was struck by the realization that when this Baby grows up we're not having anymore babies. No more nursing, no more swaddling, no more total dependance. While I am looking forward to no more diapers, middle-of-the-night-feedings, and sleep deprivation - I will miss the smells, sounds and feelings that only newborn babies bring.
I'm so thankful for my Children and am so blessed to be their Mama! I just have to trust God to continue to grant me peace with the decision to have no more babies after this little lady! I plan to relish in every single second of newborn bliss with this Baby and continue to soak up every moment with these children as they grow and change before my very eyes!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Boys Room Design

Now that the Girls Room is done and the Laundry Room is done and the Kitchen is done I feel like I should give the Boys room a little TLC. They're destructive, rough and tumble boys-boys…so I'm a little leery to put anything too "nice" into their room just yet.
Right now they have NOTHING on their walls and the only things not locked in their closet is their beds and a tub of stuffed animals. We have their name letters that their Grammie gave them but they knocked those off the walls a few weeks ago. I guess the only thing I can really do is slap some paint on the walls and ask their Auntie to paint a mural or something.

Back when Jacobi was a BABY his Auntie Jamie painted a mural of fish and corals on the wall in his nursery! It was so cute!!
So far I'm thinking either Bible verses or a mural hand painted by their Auntie

OR stripes of blues, greens and browns. Their bed spreads are striped with the same colors so it would coordinate nicely. Or do I paint each wall a different color? Or accent with thin stripes of colors vs thick stripes? Or, or, or… I'm so lost! I have too many idea's floating around and not much time to get them done! I would love to have their room looking cuter before this Baby arrives which gives me about a month and a half…

Basically my only options are painting or wall-papering something on the walls. Nothing hanging on the walls, no shelves, no more toys, etc. HELP! I have no idea what to do!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Nesting - NOT for the faint of heart

I don't know what it is about this pregnancy, ahem Pinterest, that is making me feel the need to nest like crazy! So, the Girls Room is DONE! The Laundry Room is DONE! My family room is as DONE as it gets with this ever-expanding, always changing quad-set of littles. So naturally I need to work on the Kitchen & Dining Room next! Here's where it goes a little haywire.

Here in our humble abode we like spices! We have a TON of them! Problem is, they're not stored in a very intelligent way so we can't ever see what we do or do not have. Thus, we end up buying six jars of oregano, not realizing there's already 5 other jars in the drawer. So I did a little web browsing and found Jen's Spice Organization. While I liked the idea of hanging the spices in magnetic jars, hers were too small and too expensive for my taste. Plus, the way my cupboards are arranged I didn't have much space to hang jars inside the cupboards. Instead, we headed to IKEA, my favorite store in the whole world, and found THESE! They're big enough to hold all of our spices and a little more cost effective! I picked up 12 in the store and grabbed the 13 I had in my basement to complete the necessary storage for the 25 spices I needed homes for! The top section is baking spices and the bottom section is cooking spices.

I slapped some labels on them, labeling as I went so I knew what spices were what. Next up was just arranging them on our fridge!
In all reality it probably won't stay this nice all the time but being my OCD self, it might! Time will tell how well these work but so far I'm loving them! Bonus: they freed up counter space, a cupboard shelf and a drawer!!!

Next up was the utensil's chaos that was taking up counter space in a poor way and a drawer. I divided them into groups and placed them in pretty containers with labels! Cooking: serving spoons, wooden spoons, and tong's. Knives: Pretty self-explanatory here, all of our cooking/steak knives are in this one. Finally Baking: spatula's, whisks, and the rolling pin are stored in here.

I then moved onto the cupboards and condensed things into like-grouped baskets. Labeled the bins and put them back into their home. I wish I had taken a before shot because it looks bare naked inside now!

With some more rearranging, thanks to the spices being moved, I was able to bring my towels from the Dining Room into the Kitchen, where they belong since that's where they're used most!
I was also able to move my baggies, aluminum foil and other misc baking/cooking papers into a drawer!

Last up, a cookbook stand to fill the empty area next to the stove and making cooking easier! I found a nice and inexpensive one at Target!

The only things left to do now are find something to put on top of our fridge so it doesn't look like such empty space and Paint!!! Ok, realistically the painting will probably have to wait until next summer…but I can start looking at colors now!!!

Your turn! Did you nest during your pregnancy? If so, was it just Baby-related nesting or whole house flipping?!?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Missing my little ones

No, I'm not talking about the three children I live with and I'm not even talking about the little lady stretching and kicking in my womb. I'm missing my two babies that are waiting for us in Heaven. I often wonder what life would be like if we hadn't lost Urijah. Would we have the children we have now? Would we be where we are in life now? What about if we hadn't lost Aubrey? She'd be about one month old right now. How would her siblings feel about her? How would they be reacting to her?

I wonder what Heaven is like. What are they doing right now? I'm sure they're loving every moment with Jesus but I sure do miss them. We may have only had them for a moment here on Earth but I'm thankful for their lives. I wish things were different but I praise God for the three, almost four, wonder blessings we do have here in our arms.

We named both of our babies that we lost and I often wonder if we chose the right names since we won't "know" their gender until we meet them someday in Heaven. I'm glad they at least have names, I just hope they're right! I know it won't matter in the end but every life deserves a name!

I wonder if we would have six children here on earth if we hadn't lost our two babies. Or would we have stopped sooner? Would we have Jacobi, Micah, Shaelyn or this Baby Girl? Would these other children be with us? I long for the day I can see my babies again.

Urijah and Aubrey, Mama loves you and misses you! I hope you're proud of your family!!! I can't wait to meet you and see who you look like! I bet you're both gorgeous, just like your Brothers and Sisters!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Make it work with Shoe Organizer's

Today's Make it Work is with Shoe Organizer's! Plastic, over-the-door, shoe organizer's are great for storing shoes in small spaces! You can also use Shoe Organizers to:

*Store Barbies/Dolls
Hang up a shoe organizer within reach of your kiddo's and store Barbies in each slot! You can also store Barbie's clothes, shoes, etc!

*Untangle Cords
Roll up your extra charging, camera, phone, etc cords and slip into each slot! You can label each space to make finding your necessary cord easier!

*Container Garden
Fill each space with a little soil and some seeds and you've got a perfect herb, container garden!
Photo Credit

*Car Storage
Use a shoe organizer in the car to hold flashlights, emergency snacks, toys, and any other miscellaneous supplies!

*Cleaning Supplies
Hang up in a closet and store cleaning supplies in each space. You can organize the supplies by room to make finding the correct bottle, container, etc easier!

*Corral Hair Supplies
Put hair binders, clips, headbands, etc into each pocket to keep them corralled in one location!
Photo Credit

Store scissors, crayons, glue sticks, etc in each slot to keep arts & crafts supplies neatly organized and in easy view!

*Snack Attack
Fill each slot with snacks, spice packets, etc to keep your pantry organized!

Your Turn: What's your favorite Double Duty Tip for Shoe Organizer's?!?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10 Favorite young Children's Books!

While pregnant, most of us dream of reading books to our kids. Cuddling up on the couch or in bed watching our children listen so intently to our every word! So what are good books to keep in your child's library? Here are my top 10 favorite YOUNG children's books:

1) Love You Forever
Written by: Robert N. Munsch

2) Children's Bible
We read the "Beginner's Bible"
Written by: Zondervan

3) Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes
Written by: Walter Jerrold and Charles Robinson

4) Goodnight Moon
Written by: Margaret Wise Brown

5) Where the Wild Things are
Written by: Maurice Sendak

6) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Written by: Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault

7) Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Written by: Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle

8) The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Written by: Eric Carle

9) Touch and Feel Books
Our Kids love all touch and feel books!
Written by: DK Publishing

10) Happy Baby Colors
We have all the Happy Baby books. 'Happy Baby Colors' happens to be our kids favorite!
Written by: Roger Priddy

This is just our Top 10 Favorite YOUNG Children's books! Reading any books to/with your child(ren) is a great way to teach them word recognition, sitting still, etc. Cuddle up with your kids and a good book or 10 and enjoy!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Last Resort or First Call for Help?!?

I tend to be very DIY in every area of my life. Being raised by a single Mom, I learned from a young age to be very independent. We didn't need help, mainly because it didn't exist. We learned a lot about how to do anything we wanted done. We fixed things around the house, traveled in our RV, etc. Not having help from a Husband/Father never stopped us!

Unfortunately, that independence has transferred into every area of my adult life as well. I'm learning, ever so slowly, that I can't do it all. I can't be SuperMom/Wife or even a decent Mom/Wife if I don't look to my creator first.

My Husband refuses to teach me how to use any power tools. At first I was offended because I thought he was hoarding that knowledge. Then I realized he wants to be able to do something for me that I'm unable to do myself. My Husband wants to feel needed in my life and wants me to rely upon him.
I think God feels the same way. I often picture Him saying, "If only you would rely on ME, this wouldn't be so difficult"!

I've always gone to God when things are BAD! I seek Him as a last resort vs calling on Him for my first defense. I figure - if I can fix it, on my own, I will. Problem is, it says very clearly in the Word that I've got it backwards!

In Matthew 6:33 it says 'But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.'

So instead of looking to myself for whatever it is I may need, I should be seeking God! Only God can give me the grace, patience and wisdom I need to Parent my Children. Only God can give me the heart of understanding and submission I need to be a Good Wife to my Husband. Only God can provide all my needs and He can only fulfill them if I'm seeking Him FIRST!!!

What are some ways you seek God before trying to figure out life on your own?!?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

All-Consuming Desires

Cobi has become a grasshopper hunting fiend. All he talks about when we're in the house is catching grasshoppers. When we are outside he doesn't take his eyes off the grass for more than 30 seconds. Finding & catching grasshoppers has become his all-consuming desire. He even enlists help from his Daddy, Brother & Sister. He wakes up thinking of and talking about grasshoppers and goes to bed asking about catching more tomorrow. I'm sure he probably dreams of catching those "great jumpers", as he calls them!

The cry of my heart is that I would have this all-consuming passion to seek God. I feel myself becoming more complacent and luke-warm in my walk with God. It takes time, energy & dedication to be great at anything. The same goes for my relationship with my Redeemer. I have to set aside time to seek His face. Forsaking everything else to be in his presence.

Just like my Jacobi doesn't swing, chase ball, or play in the sandbox so he can devote all of his attention on the grasshopper, so must I put aside earthly things, like tv, reading or even sleeping- in order to protect my relationship with my God!

So my challenge to myself, and you if you choose to accept, is to put off one earthly thing today and spend QUALITY time with our Maker! It's not about the quantity of time spent seeking His Face, it's simply about making whatever time you've got quality time! Put away the distractions, stressors and to-do lists of life and focus soley on God!

He loves you and yearns to spend time with you!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stroller Setbacks...

After much debate, research, hemming & hawing - we finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a new Foundations Quad Stroller!

See, we had a quad stroller before that I used for Daycare. When I closed my Daycare we figured we wouldn't need the four seats anymore so we sold it. Shortly after we found out we were pregnant. Guess what? Yep, we need the four seats now.

Since I wear our Babies for the first 6-12 months
we thought we could get away with buying a Triple stroller instead of the quad, to save money. We ended up getting a Joovy Caboose Triple Sit & Stand Stroller. Unfortunately, the triple stroller we got is a beast & was hard for us to push. Maybe our kids are just too big? So we're selling that stroller.

The Foundations Quad Stroller I want is going to cost a pretty penny, small fortune, however you want to say it, it's EXPENSIVE! To pay for this stroller, while staying within our budget I need to sell the Triple Stroller & the Double Stroller we have stored in our garage. I'm praying they sell QUICKLY since this Baby Girl will be here soon!!!

I'm so frustrated that we sold the quad stroller in the first place. If we had just kept it we could be selling the triple and double strollers for profit…wait, we wouldn't have ever purchased the triple stroller so we'd be up that money and then we'd be able to sell the double for profit. Oh well, hind sight is 20/20. BUMMER!

Ever sold something and then want it back right away?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Do unto others...

It always amazes me how much my younger two want to be like their big brother. This would be great except for one problem: my oldest is my 'strong-willed' child and doesn't always display the best behavior. His frustrations come out in very violent ways - he's a hitter. Whenever somebody does something he doesn't approve of he hits them. Lately we've been able to at least slow down the hitting. When he gets mad he'll yell, "that's it, I'm going to my room" and then storm off and shut himself into his bedroom. It works well because he has time to cool off and the offending sibling doesn't get a beat down.
Well, now my Micah has started doing the same. If he's told 'no' or 'not yet' he yells the same thing, in a much cuter voice, and then storms off to his room. This copy-cat routine is fine but now, both Micah & Shaelyn, are starting to take on the hitting.

We always try to jump in and stop the situation/frustration before the hit can happen. But, we also want our kids to learn to resolve their problems amongst themselves without always needing a mediator.
We explain that hitting hurts and is not ok. We give alternative options for relieving their frustrations. We try to model problem-solving techniques. Yet, nothing seems to be working!

So, instead of going straight to Gods word I headed there last. Once again, I'm using the Bible as a last resort vs a first call for help. Thank God for grace as I'm slowly learning where my rescue lies! Anyway, I dug into the word and found three verses the kids are memorizing as a way to remind themselves what Jesus says about hurting another.

Ephesians 4: 31-32
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
-We made it kid language by teaching them this version:
'Get rid of all anger, frustration and fighting. Be nice to each other and forgive like Jesus forgave YOU'!!!

Romans 12:21
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Matthew 7:12
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
-Again, summed up as the 'Golden Rule' Do unto others as you want them to do to you!

We're working on it. We just keep praying for wisdom as Parents and we pray with Cobi for strength to BE NICE!!

How do you deal with negative behavior, mainly violence?